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昆山市聯邦國際快遞網點 昆山FedEx快遞服務網點

快遞品牌: 聯邦FedEx
運輸方式: 國際空運
取件方式: 上門取件
單價: 29.00元/千克
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
所在地: 安徽 合肥
有效期至: 長期有效
發布時間: 2023-12-19 08:01
最后更新: 2024-02-27 14:37
瀏覽次數: 83

FedEx Express, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE code: FDX) and a global express transportation company, has completed the launch of its FedEx Reusable Pak, providing a more sustainable choice for e-commerce transportation in Europe. The new packaged products are designed to help meet the needs of the growing e-commerce market by promoting sustainable * end-user consumer behavior. The new product was offered to FedEx Express customers in Europe in July, and was offered to new and old customers as a free package. At the same time, a series of appropriately sized packaging solutions were also provided.


FedEx Reusable Pak is applicable to goods weighing up to 2.5 kg and can be resealed to facilitate return without increasing waste. The new reusable packaging combinations are small, large and extra large, and bubble technology filling options are also available.

"If we add reusable products to our packaging portfolio, it can promote the positive transformation of * end-user consumers' thinking and behavior, then it can have a strong impact. Although e-commerce returns can not always be avoided, we see that consumers are increasingly concerned about reducing and reusing packaging. By putting the solution that can reduce packaging waste in the hands of customers, Reusable Pak is our customer A way for households and their customers to make sustainable choices more easily, "said David Canavan, FedEx's European operations officer.


  國際郵政公司1于 2018 年發布的跨境電子商務購物者調查發現,多達 60% 的購物者“同意”或“強烈同意”他們希望他們的電子商務包裝具有可持續性。對新產品進行了廣泛的性能測試,以幫助確保當第二次使用 FedEx Reusable Pak 時,客戶體驗到與 FedEx 相同的高質量包裝,而無需使用額外的包裝膠帶。

  提高循環性是 FedEx 可持續發展方法的一個重要組成部分。隨著公司努力到 2040 年在全球實現碳中和運營,歐洲業務一直在重塑采購實踐,以整合和優先考慮可持續性標準

  Suitable for shipments up to 2,5kg, the FedEx Reusable Pak is resealable to facilitate returns without added waste. The new portfolio of reusable packaging comes in sizes Small, Large and Extra-large, and a bubble-technology padded option is also available.
